
Bible Study "Devotionals" Section



First Words Spoken In Genesis By God (Part 3 of 3)




1)      正是因为上帝是永远存在的,这就表明上帝永远的都一直是“光。”光乃是在神的里面。于是光在那个永恒的过去当中就一直在上帝里面。

2)      因为光是在上帝的里面,光又是从上帝发出来的,并且没有了光就不会有生命。那么,我们也就能够知道,在创世记1:1所说的那个“起初,”也就是当上帝“创造天地”的时候,必然是已经有光了。是的,创世记1:1那里一定是有光的,因为在那节经文里面已经隐含着生命,也就是在圣经所记载下来的第一个句子里面。事实上,撒旦和其他的天使们已经被包括在创世记1:1当中,他们当初正是在治理神所创造的自然界。

3)      创世记1:2的出现,乃是因为1:1那里的创造界遭受了审判,连同撒旦和他的使者们。假如没有创世记1:1,那么,上帝就只能是用“垃圾”来创造宇宙的了,因为经文所描述的乃是一个“空虚混沌,渊面黑暗”的物质状态。这其实是有些令人不可思议的,因为那位无所不能的上帝,应该是不需要从一个垃圾场里面来开始他的伟大的创造活动的。而且,我们也可以知道,上帝的确不会从创世记1:2所描述的那个黑暗的状态开始其创造万物的活动,因为“在神里面毫无黑暗。”请注意,从创世记1:2一直到1:31的记载当中我们所看到的被造的世界,如果没有创世记1:1,显然是一个不完美的世界,因为当中已经有撒旦和那些邪恶的天使了。撒旦又是从哪里来的呢?所以,我们必须从上帝开始的地方来入手,也就是从1:1那里的原初的完美的创造入手(在那里,天使们当初被造,都是完美的,乃是要来治理上帝所造的万物,正如以赛亚书14:12-17, 以西结书28:14-19所描述的那样)。 后来,对于1:1的那个创造界的审判临到了,才导致了1:2的状况。这样的话,我们就能够正确地来理解这几节经文的意思了,如此的解经,也是符合许多的其它因素之综合。黑暗必将在往后的日子当中得着处置。上帝只不过是允许黑暗与光明共存一段时间。上帝同样的,允许撒旦和其他的那些堕落的天使们继续存在,存在于当初那个堕落后的世界里面,并且就是在我们今天这个恢复后的世界当中,他们依然在继续掌权,请看马太福音4:8及下文。

4)      如果没有光,就不会有生命。然而,人类却真的在非常黑的地方发现了生物体的存在在某些可以说是“没有光”的地方,比如说在海底的深处或者在漆黑的岩洞里面。参见以下的报导:

( http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Publications/ZooGoer/1996/3/lifewithoutlight.cfm 那么,什么叫做光呢?光其实就是能量。科学家们到今天还是不能够完全明白光的本质,以及光的所有的频谱和表现形式。可见,即使有些人能够辩论说,某些生物能够在完全没有光的地方生存,那地方仍然会有这些生物赖以生存的能量的,那些能量也可以说成是光的产物,也就是当初上帝用其话语所造成的光的一部分。( http://fuse.pha.jhu.edu/~wpb/spectroscopy/basics.html            

              -- 简单的说,光乃是大自然在时空当中用来传送能量的一个途径。  --光就是能量。

              -- …通常科学家们把“光”定义为电磁辐射通常人们往往把“光”错误地等同于“可见光,”其实那只是我们的肉眼所能够观测到的一小部分辐射而已。

-- 可见光只不过是那个电磁辐射 的一小部分而已,其它的辐射(光)还包括嘎玛射线,X光,紫外线,红外线,以及收音机的电波等等。尽管名称各异,我们必须记得的是,这些都是 。事实上,在这种种辐射之间并没有间断,或说什么明确的分界线,它们都是那个电磁辐射的一部分乃是共同组成一个连续的能量的范围。)


创世记 1:2 清清楚楚地告诉我们,“地是空虚混沌”并且“黑暗”的。在1:2那里面,也就是在那个落在审判之下的堕落世界当中,乃是没有生命的。那个世界是空洞、虚无、毫无生命气息的。本来在创世记1:1是有生命的,但是在上帝的审判之下,到了1:2就没有生命,也没有光了。


5)      上帝允许创世记1:2那里的堕落世界当中的黑暗(黑暗乃是上帝用来审判1:1的原初的那个完美创造的)继续存留于后来那个被恢复的世界(第二个世界)当中。但是,不久就会重新有光的出现,并要来胜过黑暗。

6)      之所以黑暗会继续在第二个被造的世界里面存留,乃是表明了上帝对于这个黑暗乃是有一个目的的。上帝将会使用那本来不是自己之一部分的事物,那在圣经当中被描述成邪恶的事物,来成就美好的目的。记住,“神就是光,”尽管神也会允许黑暗继续存留一段时间。

7)      黑暗在今天继续存留,也就在表明,日后一定是会被消除的,因为在神里面毫无黑暗。正如启示录21章所记载的,天堂里面只有光,却没有黑暗。






First Words Spoken In Genesis By God (Part 3 of 3)


Genesis 1:3 The first words God spoke were “Let there be light…”


1) Because God has always existed then He has always been “light.”  Light is in God. 
So light was in God in eternity past.

2) Since light is in God, light comes forth from God, and without light there is no life.  Then we can also know that there was “light” “in the beginning” when “God created the heavens and the earth” of 1:1.  There had to be light in 1:1, because there was life in that first verse of Scripture, Genesis 1:1.  Satan and other angels were there in 1:1 ruling over the creation God had created. 

3) Genesis 1:2 exists because 1:1 was judged along with Satan and his angels.  If there was no Genesis 1:1, than God started to create a world with ‘junk,’ with a “formless and void and darkness” mess, which makes no human sense, since God can do anything and does not need to start with junk to create a world.  Also, we can know God did not start with this darkness of 1:2 to create this world, because there is no darkness in God.  Note, also that this created world of 1:2 through 1:31, without a Genesis 1:1, is not a perfect world, because it includes Satan, an evil angel.  Where did Satan come from?  Only starting as God starts, with a perfect creation in 1:1 (where good angels had been created to rule over God’s creation, Isaiah 14:12-17, Ezekial 28:14-19), and then a judgment on 1:1 resulting in 1:2 is right understanding of these verses, based on many factors.  Darkness will be dealt with at a later time.  God allowed the darkness along with the light.  God also allowed Satan and the other fallen angels to continue to exist, exist in the fallen world, and to continue to rule the re-created world, Matthew 4:8f.

4) There is no life without light.  Now man has found some life forms in very dark places, even places that one could say ‘there is no light’, such as on the ocean floors or in dark caverns.      

( http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Publications/ZooGoer/1996/3/lifewithoutlight.cfm )  What then is light?  Light is energy.  And scientists still do not know everything about light and all its many spectrums.  Though some may say some life forms live in places without light, there is still energy for life forms to live on that is all a product of light, which God commanded to come forth.

( http://fuse.pha.jhu.edu/~wpb/spectroscopy/basics.html            
-- Simply stated, light is nature's way of transferring energy through space.  --light is energy.

              -- …light is more generally referred to as electromagnetic radiation.  …"light" is mistaken to mean optical light," which is roughly the radiation visible to our eyes.

-- Visible light is a tiny portion of … the electromagnetic spectrum.  …such as gamma-rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, and radio. However, it is important to remember that they are all just light.   There are no "breaks" and no hard boundaries in the electromagnetic spectrum—just a continuous range of energy.)

Genesis 1:2 says clearly the earth was “…formless and void and darkness…”  There was no life in 1:2, in the fallen world under judgment.  It was void, empty, life less.  There was life in 1:1 but under God’s judgment, there was no life in 1:2 and no light.

5) God allowed the darkness of the fallen world 1:2 (darkness being a part of the judgment on the perfect created world of 1:1) to continue into the re-created world (the 2nd world).  Light would soon exist to overcome the darkness.

6) This continuance of darkness into the 2nd created world would indicate that God had a purpose for this darkness.  God would use something that is not a part of Him, and that throughout Scripture is designated as not good, for good purposes.  Remember “God is light” but He also allows darkness for awhile.

7) This existence of darkness also indicates that eventually it will have to be eradicated, because in God there is no darkness.  In Revelation 21 there is light, but no darkness.

Now just to think we have only begun to find all the truths and principles in Genesis 1:3.  There is much more for believers to find.  Dig deep into God’s Word and you will find treasures on how to live life. 

All truth and principles in the Bible will help you to be a satisfied believer.  Think upon these truths, learn how to apply them and obey them! Surely you will be blessed!


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